domenica 18 dicembre 2011


Per il corso di fumetto, Laura Scarpa ci diede questo esercizio. casualmente, la mattina precedente mi son trovata a disegnare quella che sarebbe poi diventata la prima tavola. Il tema del sonno mi é molto caro ultimamente, quello della multiocularità anche.

lunedì 5 dicembre 2011

mostrini in giardino - monsters in the garden

nuova produzione invernale. Alcuni di loro sono già stati adottati, altri gireranno presto tra negozi e mercatini natalizi. Per info e adozioni, scrivere una letterina qui

giovedì 1 dicembre 2011

revista minima

collaborazione con revista minima, meravigliosa zine argentina, a tema culinario. ci sono anche le illustrazioni di Redondo e Neeva!

venerdì 25 novembre 2011

martedì 15 novembre 2011

papergirl barcelona

my contribution for papergirl bcn.

Exhibition at Caleidoscopio gallery, calle nou de sant francesc 4, barcelona.
photo: clara saez

martedì 8 novembre 2011


Skateistan found raising @ Fluxlab, via Silvio Pellico 8 - Torino

Skateistan is Afghanistan’s—and the world’s—first co-educational skateboarding school. Operating as an independent, neutral, Afghan NGO, the school engages growing numbers of urban and internally-displaced youth in Afghanistan through skateboarding, and provides them with new opportunities in cross-cultural interaction, education, and personal empowerment. Skateistan's students come from all of Afghanistan’s diverse ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds. They not only develop skills in skateboarding and skateboarding instruction, but also healthy habits, civic responsibility, information technology, the arts, and languages. The students themselves decide what they want to learn—we connect them with teachers who will enable them to develop the skills that they consider important. Since Skateistan has been active in Kabul, we’ve seen that Afghan youth of all ethnicities, genders, and socioeconomic backgrounds love to skateboard. Skateistan brings them together, equipping young men and women with the skills to lead their communities toward social change and development.

lunedì 31 ottobre 2011

martedì 25 ottobre 2011

giovedì 6 ottobre 2011

martedì 4 ottobre 2011

venerdì 23 settembre 2011


Our new editorial homemade project. More info soon here

martedì 6 settembre 2011

qualsevol nit

pot sortir el sol.

Arnau va a nacer esta semana. Yo y Neeva le hemos pintado su pequeña habitación.

Barcelona, barrio de Gracia, ultimo dia de lluvia de verano.

sabato 3 settembre 2011

mercoledì 24 agosto 2011


Quando novembre viene, copriti bene.
Escolar 12-15 años.

giovedì 11 agosto 2011

La petita galeria

La petita galeria is a little amazing bar with a little exhibition room in the heart of Raval, my (favourite) district of barcelona. In August, every week they organize the Sketch Wensday: is nothing sophisticated or artistic-wannabe, they simply put some marker, pencil and paper sheet on the tables, and everyone can draw, write, cut and paste the paper as he want. It's probably the only place where I saw an initiative like this work pretty well. Almost all the people, while chatting and drinking, were drawing. Even if sounds weird going out to put myself drawing on a table (read: I do it everyday in my house), I really enjoyed it without feeling the typical pressure of drawing in a public place. If you got the same problem and are in barcelona in this moment, you can start from here to solve it.

lunedì 1 agosto 2011


domenica 17 luglio 2011